The Responsible Procurement Policy sets out our commitment to the application of social, ethical and environmental principles in the Aston Martin supply chain. These principles are supported by Aston Martin’s procurement policies and practices, standard terms of conditions of supply and the standards for all Aston Martin staff, suppliers and sub-suppliers. Together, as an ethical and responsible supply chain, we not only need to comply with the governing legislation, but also drive responsible business operations and practices in support of the principles set out in the policy below.


We therefore expect all existing suppliers and sub-suppliers of Aston Martin’s extended supply chain as well as potential suppliers to engage, communicate and promote the principles outlined in this guide. Importantly we expect that every party involved will actively seek to identify and eradicate any non-compliances which may exist within our extended supply chain. Should you believe that there has been a breach of practice that you wish to report, please refer to our whistleblowing policy. This guide is what we at Aston Martin stand for and what we expect from our suppliers.